
Aus Die Offene Bibel

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Abstract: This article explores the topic from a pneumatological perspective, and pays attention to the preacher’s calling, appointment and being filled with the Holy spirit. The key question is that of congruence between what a preacher preaches and how he lives his life (i.e. as a sermon). The following issues from the book of Acts are dealt with: the passion of the preacher for congruence between preacher and sermon; the integrity to proclaim God’s total plan of salvation; humility, the courage and boldness in preaching the Word of God; the will to suffer hardship in absolute obedience to God, and the holy indignation when God is not honoured. Issues relating to attitude in prayer and in Scripture reading, meditation and application of the Word are investigated as these contribute to the congruence between preacher and sermon.
Abstract: The grounded theory approach is implemented in analysing sermons on poverty and directed at the poor as listeners. This is an abductive approach in the paradigm of social constructionism as developed by Cathy Charmaz in Sociology. I am applying this method of empirical analysis to sermons, in this case sermons on poverty with Matthew 25:31-46 as sermon text. In this article, I am going to discuss the place of grounded theory in qualitative research and the application of Charmaz’s approach to it in homiletics. The process of sermon analysis in its different phases will be discussed as well as the interaction of this bottom-up theory with existing homiletic theories in relation to the research topic. The goal is to update our knowledge contextually in the interaction between praxis and theory with a view to preaching in our context of poverty.
Introduction: Perhaps the title is misleading. It may create the impression that narrative preaching is a never-before-discovered new method of communicating the gospel of salvation. Of course, stories have been used in sermons for a very long time. Narrative preaching as an art form is in itself a much-discussed and -published theme in the field of homiletics. Yet, in many ways, it is new. Compared to other forms of preaching such as expository preaching, thematic preaching and the homily, the narrative sermon is less used. As such, it does represent a new way of preaching for many. Furthermore, it is also new because it is only now receiving the attention it deserves in the South African context, and particularly in the Dutch Reformed Church. While narrative preaching has been acknowledged in academic circles for some time, a handful of preachers have only recently become aware of the many possibilities of this form of preaching.
The author is one example. He has been a minister for over thirty years, and although he used stories as illustrations, he never once preached a narrative sermon (per definition). From an academic point of view, he had read about the narrative, but only when he was asked to give a seminar on narrative preaching did serious research follow. This research had two important consequences. First, it led to the preparation of a scientific article, then it got “out of hand” and ended up as a book. Secondly, the research forced the author to prepare and deliver narrative sermons in order to test the basic theory in practice. This adventure brought new dimensions to the author’s repertoire and method of preaching. It is hoped that the reader will be inspired to become aware of the possibilities presented by narrative sermons, and that the book will also make the reader aware of the fact that narrative preaching is a difficult art form. Much dedication and practice will make narrative sermons strikingly effective. Last, but not least, it is hoped that the book will assist preachers in their discovery of how to preach narrative sermons.
May God bless your preaching ministry!
Abstract: Preaching from the Old Testament has many pitfalls. Besides the danger of moralism, allegory and typology, there is the problem of preaching Christ from the Old Testament. Forcing Christ into Old Testament texts has Old Testament scholars up in arms, to the extent that some believe that Christ is not found in the Old Testament and that there are no Messianic texts. Between reading Christ into the Old Testament and not preaching Christ from the Old Testament, the preacher must find a responsible way of dealing with the many challenges. The article endeavours to provide some guidelines and principles for preaching from the Old Testament to a Christian congregation.