Sekundärliteratur:Maleachi 1

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Abstract: Malachi 1:9 presents the interpreter or exegete with unexpected difficulties. A number of these difficulties are treated in this article: problems pertaining to the translation of the text in Afrikaans, text-critical problems, the problem of the identity of the speaker(s); the question of whether the text should be interpreted as ironic or not. The investigation resulted in the following: The weaknesses of current translations of the text are pointed out and a new translation in Afrikaans is proposed. Text-critical questions are treated and it is found that there is no compelling reason to alter the text. The speaker is identified as the prophet and not the priests or the people. Finally, it is indicated that there is no need to understand the text ironically; it is rather a serious appeal by the prophet directed to the priests.
Abstract: This article illustrates how a text may acquire different meanings over years of investigation. On the basis of Malachi 1:11, the article demonstrates how this text was interpreted from various perspectives. Historical interpretation attempts to locate the meaning of the text either in the historical circumstances at the time of the origin of the text or at some undefined future time. A literary interpretation does not attempt to locate the text in history but rather tries to interpret it either as a hyperbole or metaphorically or by means of an intertextual investigation. At least eight different meanings were detected.
Abstract: The problem posed in this article is a fairly straightforward one: Do Pentateuch traditions occur in Malachi 1:6-14 and if so, how are they used? The problem is approached by searching for quotations, shared terminology, inversions and common themes that occur in both the Pentateuch and Malachi. This investigation reveals that there are mainly three ways in which Pentateuch traditions function in this pericope: The vocabulary or phrases in the text allude to recognisable Pentateuch traditions; interpretations are applied to a new situation and utilised in creative ways (new applications were made applicable to the period in which the prophet lived at the time), and the combination with other known traditions from the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible.