Altes Testament[Bearbeiten]
- Hendel, Ron (2013): The Oxford Hebrew Bible: Its Aims and a Response to Criticisms, in: Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel 2, S. 63-99. (
- Segal, Michael (2013): The Hebrew University Bible Project, in: Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel 2, S. 38-62. (
- Ginsburg, Christian D. (1897): Introduction to the Massoretico-Critical Edition of the Hebrew Bible.
- Waltke, Bruce (1989): Aims of OT Textual Criticism, in: Westminster Theological Journal 51.1 (Spring 1989), 93-108.
Neues Testament[Bearbeiten]
- Elliott, J.K. (2012): Recent Trends in the Textual Criticism of the New Testament. A New Millenium, a New Beginning?, in: BABELAO 1, 117-36.
- Houghton, H.A.G. (2011): Recent Developments in New Testament Textual Criticism, in: Early Christianity 2/2, 245-268.
- Bartsch, Hans Werner (1980): Zur Problematik eines Monopoltextes des Neuen Testaments. Das Beispiel Markus 2, Vers 15 und 16, in: ThLZ 105/2 (1980), S. 91-96.
- Robinson, Maurice A./William G. Pierpont (1991): The New Testament in the Original Greek according to the Byzantine/Majority Textform. Introduction, Atlanta
- Einleitung der kritischen Edition des byzantinischen Texts
Textrekonstruktion und Textgeschichte der Bibel[Bearbeiten]
- Carlson, Stephen Conrad (2012): The Text of Galatians and Its History, bisher unveröffentlichte (?) Promotionsarbeit an der Duke University.
- Metzger, Bruce / Bart Ehrman (2005): The Text of the New Testament. Its Transmission, Corruption and Restoration, New York 42005.
- Perrin, John (2013): Family 13 in Saint John's Gospel, Dissertation Birmingham.
- Victor, Ulrich (1998): Was ein Texthistoriker zur Entstehung der Evangelien sagen kann, in: Biblica 79, 499-514.
Textkritische Kommentare[Bearbeiten]
- Carlson, Stephen Conrad (2004): The Origin(s) of the “Caesarean” Text, SBL Paper (
- Carlson, Stephen Conrad (2012): The Text of Galatians and Its History, bisher unveröffentlichte (?) Promotionsarbeit an der Duke University
- Kloha, Jeffrey John (2006): A Textual Commentary on Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians, Dissertation, University of Leeds
- Willker, Wieland (2013): An Online Textual Commentary on the Greek Gospels, 6 Bde., Bremen 102013
Handschriften online[Bearbeiten]
- New Testament Virtual Manuscript Room (Uni Münster)
- British Library Digitised Manuscript Website