Rhetorical Criticism[Bearbeiten]
- Longenecker, Bruce (2001): 'Linked Like a Chain': Rev 22.6-9 in Light of an Ancient Transition Technique.
- Pfeiffer, C. F. (1959): Figures of Speech in Human Language.
Einzelne Stilmittel[Bearbeiten]
- Sasson, Jack M. (2004): The Eyes of Eli: An Essay in Motif Accretion.
- Segal, Benjamin J. (1987): Four Repetitions in the Song of Songs.
- Segal, Benjamin J. (1988): Double Meanings in the Song of Songs.
- Watson, Wilfred G. E. (?): The Switch between second and thrid Person Adress in Ugaritic.
Humor und Ironie[Bearbeiten]
- Kynes, Will (2011): Beat Your Parodies into Swords, and Your Parodied Books into Spears: A New Paradigm for Parody in the Hebrew Bible.
- Longenecker, Bruce (2008): A Humorous Jesus? Orality, Structure and Characterisation in Luke 14:15-24, and Beyond.
- van Heerden, Willie (1992): Humour and the interpretation of the book of Jonah.
- Wallis, Wilber B. (1969): Irony in Jeremiah´s Prophecy of a New Covenant.